Encouraging, Equipping and Empowering youth and adults.
Why We’re Here
The decline of the family unit and the increased challenges facing our youth, families and veterans has weighed heavily on our hearts. We felt God directing us to show His unconditional love by using what He has so richly blessed us with, to bless others. It’s our desire that individuals come here and be refreshed and strengthened. The ranch/farm environment offers healing, restoration, and encouragement in a unique and miraculous way.
Animals, chores, and some good old-fashioned fun gives our guests a chance to escape the burdens and challenges of life.
Our Mission
To mentor youth, adults, and families, teaching life skills through ranch/farm work, animal encounters and outdoor adventures. Encouraging, Equipping and Empowering each individual to find purpose and reach their highest potential.
Joe & Lisa Schram
It has been on our hearts for many years to do something like this. Little did we know God was at work preparing us while also weaving people, circumstances and even critters into a tapestry only He could create. It became very clear what we were to do. What wasn’t clear was the how? The answer to the how is a day-by-day trusting that God will provide, stepping out in confident obedience, because He’s got this. This is His ranch. Our first step was a bit scary, but all that God has done and continues to do has stretched and strengthened our faith. We are “All In” totally dependent and sold out. Since taking that first shaky, uncertain step the miracles and amazing things God has done and continues to do has left us awestruck. We are humbled and thrilled by the orchestrated events and people He has brought into our lives. The journey has only just begun. We gladly roll up our sleeves and put our hands to the task set before us. We have an amazing God and we are blessed by this opportunity to show His love.
Similar Ministry
As we looked to open 3 Cord Ranch to the public, we found that Crystal Peaks Youth Ranch had a very similar heart to serve the community as us, and had a program to train and mentor similar ministries. While CPYR is not affiliated or responsible for our program or facility, we are proud to be connected to their ministry for consulting and encouragement.